

/ther-MOL-uh-jē/  ●  noun
Definition • A medical science that uses infrared images of the body to diagnose problems.
Source: Collins English Dictionary; 2024

What is Thermology?

Medical Thermographic studies performed according to guidelines and under cold stress in humans are sympathetic skin response studies that involve the use of infrared imaging. Skin galvanic impedance, vasomotor and sudomotor physiology can be assessed through infrared skin response studies. Medical Thermology is completely non-contact and involves no form of energy imparted onto or into the body. Medical disciplines that may have interest in medical Thermology include neurology and neurosurgery, physiatry, pain specialists, orthopedics, occupational medicine, vascular medicine, oncology, and dentistry.

Thermology as a Diagnostic Tool

Sympathetic skin response studies such as cold stress infrared imaging provide valuable diagnostic tools for the study of complex regional pain syndromes (CRPS), reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), vasomotor headache and Barre-Lieou. Other established clinical indications include venous and peripheral arterial disorders such as insufficiency or vasospastic disease, rheumatic inflammation, trauma and post operative or fracture pain.

Breast Thermal imaging is a complementary test to other breast imaging studies such as Mammography, MRI, or Ultrasound. Extensive literature exists on the use of infrared imaging as a breast risk health assessment. Estrogen dominance, ductal congestion, lymphatic congestion, and angiogenesis are all breast health risk factors that breast thermal imaging can help to identify. Women with dense breasts, fibrocystic disease, small breasts, or who have a strong family history for breast disease and want to be more proactive in their breast care often consider breast thermography to help accomplish this need.

Thermology in other Practices

Medical Infrared Thermal Imaging also has utility in Veterinary Medicine. While large animal (equine) applications predominate Veterinary Medicine recently there has been more activity in the small animal arena as well. The AAT has published internationally peer reviewed guidelines on neuro-musculoskeletal, breast, and veterinary thermography.

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