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Abnormal Thermology

Left Upper Thoracic Pain

Dr. Robert Schwartz

Posted on February 18, 2018, updated on September 30, 2019

16 yo male with a chief complaint of left neck and scapulothoracic pain that started after playing golf. He went to a large, reputable medical center and has had a negative work up.  No further recommendation was made.   Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic signal over the deep multifidus and inter spinous ligaments at T2-6.  . Cold stress sympathetic skin response thermology showed an asymmetry pattern over the left T2-6 scapulo-thoracic region.  Thermographic impression restated findings.  Patient was successfully treated with epidural steroids followed by proliferative injections at T2-6.

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