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Abnormal Thermology

Infiltrating Ductal CA in 64 y/o male

Matt Terzella

Posted on August 22, 2018, updated on September 30, 2019

64 y/o male presented for left breast lump for approximately 3 months.  He had a strong family history of breast cancer including his mother and sister.  He reported a history of a recent localized trauma to the area to which he attributed the mass.  Exam revealed a palpable, well demarcated, 2 cm round fixed subareolar mass.   Infrared breast thermography was done.  Nipple temperature difference of greater than 1 degree noted (29.93 C right, 31.85 C left).  Hyperthermia present in the left axilla.  A hyperthermic band extended from 12 o’clock to the nipple on the left.  He was graded as left TH4, right TH1.  He was recommended to follow up with his primary breast provider and recommended to undergo breast mammography and diagnostic breast US.  Confirmation of a suspicious mass on these studies necessitated an ultrasound guided core biopsy.  Biopsy revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma, low grade.

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