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Abnormal Thermology

Breast Thermography Improved by Paraspinal MSK Treatment

Dr. Robert Schwartz

Posted on February 18, 2018, updated on September 30, 2019

57 yo female presents for a thermographic breast risk health assessment. Last mammogram nine years ago was normal. PMHx is positive for multiple MVA’s and falls. She receives on-going chiropractic care. Breast Thermography findings include an asymmetric vascular pattern including a closed loop appearing region of hypervascularity at 9 and a MUQ permeation traversing laterally on left. There is a branching vascular iteration that has bud like endings reminiscent of terminal ductal lobular units traversing from 1 to 12 on right. Hyperthermia is present in the right axilla. Nipple temps are symmetric. Posterior views showed an asymmetry pattern extending from T4-6 laterally. Thermographic Impression was TH4 bilateral. The cervical, intrascapular multifidus and related paraspinals were evaluated on Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasound. Hypoechoic signals were seen at C2-4 and T2-4. Proliferative injections were provided at the C2-4 and T2-4 interspinous ligaments and related facets/paravertebrals. Three months after the original thermographic study Infrared Breast Thermology was repeated and was read as TH3 bilateral. Vascular patterns were significantly improved. In addition axillary hyperthermia and the posterior asymmetry pattern had resolved.
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